
¡Hola! Me llamo Tom

Meet Tom, a puppy with a knack for mischief. Rescued with his brother Jerry, Tom's life has been a comedy of errors. One day, while exploring their new surroundings, Tom and Jerry stumbled upon a forgotten stash of dog treats. Tom, being the energetic pup he is, decided to dig in. The result? A comically large belly and a trip to the Santuary to ensure he hadn't overindulged. This sweet, friendly, and funny pup is full of playful energy and ready to fill a home with laughter and love. Tom's past antics prove that life with him will never be dull. Adopt Tom and get ready for a lifetime of hilarious adventures.
  • Mix
  • Male
  • Puppy (5 - 12 Months)My DoB is 05/15/2024 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
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