

The most appalling rescues are the animals that have been abused and neglected by their own humans.

Rosita was reported to us by a concerned neighbour. We don’t have any authority when it comes to pets that are abused and neglected by their owners. However, Rosita’s case was so extreme, we decided to try to intervene on her behalf. That meant trying to convince Rosita’s owner to surrender her to us.

Rosita lay huddled against the corner of the garage while we negotiated her release with Rosita’s owner. This lady told us that Rosita was such an ugly dog, she didn’t know why we would bother with her. Finally, after much cajoling, we were able to leave with Rosita, wrapped in a towel. She was in a delicate state of health and very frightened 

Rosita had a long and difficult recovery, both physically and emotionally. As her illnesses cleared up, her pretty white fur grew back. But Rosita remained emotionally shut down and spent most of the day huddled in her pet bed, not wanting to engage with people or animals. It took the steady care of a committed foster family to finally bring Rosita out of her shell. She started playing with balls and wanted to be petted.

Rosita eventually flew to Edmonton where she settled in with a wonderful, animal-loving family. 

Many people helped with Rosita’s rescue, recovery and adoption, including several of our volunteers, veterinarians, donors, our sanctuary staff, 2 foster families and a flight escort who brought her to Canada.

This is how we found Rosita
This is how we found Rosita
Rosita at home in Canada
Rosita at home in Canada

It takes a village to help a dog like Rosita