
Hi! My Name Is Sandia

I'm in the Recovery Room - I'll Be Available Soon

Hiya, I'm Sandia! My life is like a sitcom, and I'm the adorable, curious star. My energy is infectious and my curiosity? Unmatched! I'm a playful terrier mix who loves to explore and make friends. My sweet, friendly nature makes me the perfect companion for any adventure. If you're looking for a partner in crime who can turn even the simplest moments into a comedy sketch, I'm your girl! Adopt me and let's make our own sitcom!

  • Mix
  • Female
  • Puppy (5 - 12 Months)My DoB is 07/02/2024 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Buff and White
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
Apply To Adopt Sandia
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