Erlichia is a devastating disease that's passed on to dogs by the brown-dog tick.
It's an absolute epidemic in Mazatlan. It causes muscle weakness, fever, and neurological abnormalities and, left untreated, can lead to death. Any dog in Mazatlan that is not on a tick treatment program is at significant risk for erlichia.
Some of the tick preventatives used in Canada and the United States may not be as effective in preventing the transmission of erlichia. Symparica or Bravecto are the tick treatments currently most recommended by Mazaltan vets.
If you don't plan to use tick medications for your dog, you need to inspect your dog daily for ticks. Erlichia can be transmitted to a dog within 24 hours. Avoid walking your dog in long grass, as that's where ticks hide. Ticks should be removed with tweezers.
If you suspect your dog may have been exposed to erlichia, your vet can diagnose it with an inexpensive blood test. Erlichia has a variable incubation period, which means that it can take weeks, months or even years for symptoms to develop. The earliest symptom may be fatigue. Erlichia is easily treated with antibiotics except in very advanced cases.
Ticks often hide between a dog’s toes or inside the ears.